《百年匠心 重拾萬華時光》常設展
《百年匠心 重拾萬華時光》常設展
而今年台灣遇到疫情的重創,萬華更成為疫情的熱區,在百行百業都需要咬緊牙關撐下去時,萬華人更是面對 來自各方的聲音。不過,不管是經過在疫情的洗鍊、抑或是時代的變遷,在這個百年城區的百年店家與場域依然將故事傳承下去,依然以他們的家業為榮。剝皮寮邀請百年老店匠人們、在地萬華人重聚剝皮寮,互相扶持勉勵,再一起攜手走過,以13個百年店家與場域,帶著我們重返萬華街區走進百年時光隧道。
A Century of Craftsmanship: The Wanhua Story
In 2020-2021's "A Century of Craftsmanship--The Wanhua Story," Bopiliao continues telling the stories of Wanhua&rsquo's artisans and craftspeople. This special exhibition takes us back in time, introducing 13 century-old shops in Taipei's historic Wanhua District.
Wanhua is where Taipei began. Area residents’ hard work has left a living record of the city’s origins, tracing the trajectory of its growth. Walk with us down Wanhua’s vibrant streets and lanes, strolling from Bopiliao Historic Block’s original Long Life Teahouse to Taiyo Bookbinding Company and the Rixiang Inn. Along the way, we’ll visit neighborhood Buddhist supply shops, Lao Mingyu Incense Shop, and Fulldone Old Tea, founded in the late Qing dynasty, and then move on to Wanhua’s historic Bangkah Church and Ximen’s trendy landmark, the Red House. By featuring these ten venues in 2020, Bopiliao unveiled one memory after another, shop after shop, highlighting Wanhua’s modern urban vistas and genuine human warmth, ever endeavoring to pass the torch of Wanhua artisans’ hundred-year oral tradition.
We’re continuing Wanhua’s story in 2021, visiting three more century-old businesses: Long Cheng Hao Noodle Shop, Longdu Shaved Ice and Juice Shop, and De’an Herbal Shop. We've invited the writer LIn Liqing to tell the stories of the artisans in these century-old shops in his warmest words.
Taipei took a hit in this year’s Covid-19 pandemic; as a pandemic hotspot Wanhua suffered even more. Stores and businesses have had to grit their teeth and wait of the moment to pass, and Wanhua residents have had to answer to voices from all sides. But regardless of the pandemic’s assault or the changing times, century-old businesses in the district are still carrying on tradition, and families still take pride in their crafts. Bopiliao is inviting craftspeople from those historic shops and Wanhua locals to gather together again in Bopiliao to support and encourage one another. We’ll walk hand in hand with them through a time tunnel, visiting thirteen hundred-year-old shops and venues to experience the Wanhua of yore.
◎艋舺長老教會 Presbyterian Church of Taiwan Bangkah Church:更多故事請點選
◎龍山佛具 Longshan Buddha Shop:更多故事請點選
◎老明玉香鋪 Lao Ming Yu Incense Shop:更多故事請點選
◎新竹肉圓 Xin Zhu Ba Wan(Taiwanese meatball:更多故事請點選
◎台北堂摩那卡餅本舖 Taipei MONAKA:更多故事請點選
◎兩喜號 Liang Xi Hao:更多故事請點選
◎富山蒸籠 Fu Shan Steamer :更多故事請點選
◎福大同茶莊 FullDone Old Tea :更多故事請點選
◎龍都冰菓室 Longdu Ice and Fruit Shop:更多故事請點選
◎德安青草行 De'an Herb Shop:更多故事請點選
◎龍城號 Long Cheng Hao Noodle Shop:更多故事請點選
日期時間|2021.10.07起 每周二到周日 09:00-18:00