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Event and Exhibition活動展演

20' / 01 / 21 - 20' / 03 / 23

《嫁娶 愛的好日》特展

婚姻就像一桌酒席,愛是主食,寬容、理解、信任、尊重就是一道道菜,欣賞、幽默、趣味就是酒和飲料,只有同時具備上述幾個品種的酒席,才算得上完美無缺的酒席,但願大家在婚姻這桌酒席上,吃得安逸,吃得泰然,吃得永久,直到生命的最後一息。 「百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠。」夫妻就是兩個半球,「半個球是無法滾動的,需有另一個半球才圓滿。」相愛一輩子,爭吵一輩子,忍耐一輩子,這就是夫妻。


展覽時間|2020/01/21(週二)~2020/03/20(五) 10:00~18:00
展覽地點|剝皮寮 土炭室 (163、183、181號)


Marriage Love’s Lucky Day

2020/01/21~ 2020/03/23
Peat Coal Market(No.163、183、181)

Marriage is like a banquet. Love is the main course; tolerance, understanding, trust, and respect are the side dishes, and appreciation, humor, and fun are the wine and beverages. A banquet is perfect only if it includes all of the above. May you all dine easily, peacefully, and lastingly at the banquet that is marriage, until death do you part. “Sharing the same boat entails decades of devotion; sharing the same pillow, a lifetime of devotion.” Husband and wife are like two halves of a ball: “Half a ball can’t roll by itself; it can never be complete without its other half.” A lifetime of love, a lifetime of strife, a lifetime of patient enduring—that is marriage.

Artist: Lin Shou-chu
Team members: An-an, Huang Wen-ling, Lin Wen-yi, Chen Pei-ling, Wang Shu-huei, Yang Mei-ling, Chen Ying-ling, Lin Mei-ling, Cheng Hsu-nan, Yang Shu-mei.